Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chock Full of Obstacles...

What a day! This day was chock full of obstacles. Everything that could discourage me and keep me down came at me. I had to really focus on getting the tasks done. At the end of the day I won my battle. I did not become overwhelmed and anxious. I stayed on the course and made it through the day, accomplished!
This happens on a regular basis people, things, life getting in the way of your journey. But here’s what I learned; if you have to walk around it, over it or through it do it! Never allow it to stop you from reaching your destination. Your goal needs to be your only focus. In the end you will realize you obtained what you set out to and that’s an awesome feeling. Today I had such a headache I was sure I could not get done all I had to do. I was drained out! Then I re-directed, stopped and prayed and before you knew it the headache was gone, I was feeling great and I was getting things done.
So you see bad days really don’t have to be bad. You need to continue pressing through and not allow the obstacles to delay you. All was well in the end. Thank you Jesus I made it through the day and all is well and all is done! Aaaaah!