Friday, March 12, 2010


Being confident in this that he which began a good work in you will carry it to completion… Phil 1:6. Well the last couple of days I really needed to repeat this to me several dozen times. I have had very overwhelming assignments that instead of my taking it in bite sizes I want to tackle all at once. This type ‘A’ personality has its benefits but is also has great draw backs. When I find the responsibility is too huge to take on or that I cannot take it on I become anxious and upset. So I have had to learn to run to the word and bring myself down from the insanity.
So after much research and making myself sick I went to the word. And began to concentrate on each word of this verse…being confident…I have to build my confidence I cannot allow this assignment to take over my emotions and make me anxious. Then I go to the next part…that he which began a good work…so this means that what I am stressing about is something that is not even my ‘job’ because he began this work. And lastly, is able to carry it to completion…phenomenal which means I don’t even have to carry this burden. He started it he will complete it all I have to do is be confident and know that he will. Aaaaaaah, what peace!
Life can get very overwhelming! If we allow it, it will consume us. Especially when you have a strong will and a go getter personality, this is when you battle most with your inabilities verses God’s ability. Just to rest! Just to trust that he will take care of it all and all of the fuss I make is wasted energy that will leave me emotionally depleted. And in the end I will have to relinquish it to him any how so why not do it from the onset.