Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do you listen?

It’s been a few days since I’ve blogged. I have been really busy and somewhat overwhelmed. I have been in the process of reconstructing and expanding my business. This is a very daunting task especially since this is the first time I take on such an enormous endeavor. So this has been my week as I proceeded, and to my surprise, have made monumental strides. I continually hear a voice telling me “are you mad? Do you really think that you can take on such an endeavor?” and “ok so you did that portion of the business plan with no problem, BUT, the next step you won’t be able to take without incident”. At times this can even paralyze an individual.
I forge ahead taking steps of faith. I take on the task one step at a time, slowly, carefully and steady. Each step I take has had very positive outcomes, yet, for the first time in years I awaken to some bizarre nightmare. I awaken at two or three in the morning shaken and nervous. Then suddenly I start the battle of the mind “Are you sure you can do this? At any time you will be stuck and who will you turn to? You are in this alone.” This negative voice is not the only one I hear I also hear the voice of my awesome Father God who talks to me through devotionals, the word and his peace. He tells me “Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God, yes, I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous hand” Isaiah 41:10
It’s about tuning your ear to God’s voice. He speaks to us continually, but oftentimes, with all of the noise in our heads and our efforts to sort things out we don’t hear him. This is why it is so important to listen for his voice. He speaks to us through a variety of ways, scriptures, a friend, a sermon, a song or life circumstances. He uses any means to communicate with us. He wants to speak, lead and direct us to our desires and dreams. He wants to communicate with the heart that longs to listen to him. His promise to us is “Your ears will hear a voice saying, this is the way, walk in it” Isaiah 30:21. Listen to his voice this will appease your anxieties, apprehensions and ease the struggle in your journey.