Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Leap Before You Think....

Have you ever had a stressful situation hit you all of a sudden and you panicked? This happen when you want to take a situation that you have absolutely NO control over and you want to figure it out and handle it. Can you come up with at least several really good ideas? I am sure you can. I know I certainly can. But are any of these “great ideas” really all that great?

Today was one of those days for me. I came across a real plight today, something that I had absolutely no control over. I became sick to my stomach. I was anxious and immediately got a headache. My head was swirling with things I should do, ideas that would possibly get me out of what I perceive to be a horrific situation. The panic and anxiety alone were enough to give me heart failure, but the brain can actually bring me to a paralyzing state. Then all of a sudden I thought I had several GREAT ideas. I could not jump on them fast enough.

Then I realized I did not go to the main source…. God. Did I even ask him what he thought? Did I for at least one second put him on my list of ideas? Did I ever even consider that he would be the only one that can really take care of this situation? No! No I did not. And now I sit here wondering if what I did and what I jumped into is even reasonable. Like a kid who makes a grave mistake then goes to his parents to clean up the mess. Now I am coming to him and asking him to clean up my mess.

Isn’t this what Sara did when she panicked about her inability to give Abraham the son God promised her? She went into panic mode and gave him her maid servant Hagar. She regretted that move every day of her life. And now I sit here wondering if I will do the same. Oh Lord I need you every second of the day. Help me not to leap before I think! Prov. 11:14 “There is safety in a multitude of counselors” teach me to get counsel before I do anything, but not before I come to you Oh Father.