Monday, March 29, 2010

God Promise # 1

God has made promises to us which many of us do not cash in on. Most of us do not know or understand his promises; therefore, we live defeated lives. We are depressed, anxious and afraid and continually speak negativity. These negative words bring upon our lives curses rather than blessings. We must speak life and ‘life’ is in God’s promises.

God wants us to live joyous and abundant lives. We are his children. This is no catch phrase this is a fact! And since we are his children what good father does a) not love his children and b) do absolutely anything for them? Well that’s our Father God who has made promises to us which he has every intention to keep. It’s up to us to follow through on what is required in order for us to obtain that promise.

He has seven promises which he has made to us and I will depict one at a time and will explain each thoroughly. God promised us in Romans 8:28 “all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully” In other words when are in the midst an adverse or painful situation and it appears that there cannot possibly be any good coming from this, we can trust that this negative will be incorporated into good.

So often we go through adversities in our lives not fully understanding why we are in the midst of this. Why this is happening to us! If we look for the promise that backs up our situation it is so much easier to go through this situation. When I have been thrust into the middle of my horrific circumstance and see that there is no human way out, I run to my word where God has a clear and specific promise for me. And that is what I hang on to through the process.

What better promise is there than ‘all of this nightmare will somehow work together for a greater purpose’? Someday I will look back and this nightmare of a circumstance will not only be a memory but I will see that, had I not gone through this I would never received God’s gift. I use is this metaphor … ‘Our lives are like quilts beautiful when viewed from a distance. All the pain from the needle pricks in the end are worth it, to behold the beauty of that quilt” Our lives struggles are difficult and God understands that. But as only God can do, He will make beauty out of ashes and reward us for each struggle. Hang on to his promises…all of these seemingly horrific circumstances God will stitch into good and to catapult you to where he wants to take you. This will always place of perfect peace in Him….