Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Never Compete, Never Compare, and Never Complain

Never Compete: Let me begin with competing. Oftentimes, we see others succeed and we want to mimic what they are doing but we do in a competitive manner. We become competitive even if it is nonverbal and subconscious. The only person you should compete with is with you. We should continually strive to do whatever we do better.

Never Compare: Do not compare yourself, your skills, and your accomplishments to anyone else. Come to terms with the fact that you can do anything you strive towards. Comparing yourself with others is a disservice to you because there is always someone who does things better than you. Learn from them rather than compare yourself to them.

Never Complain: Life brings many adversities this is a given. How you react to those adversities is what brings you to the ultimate success. Learning to be grateful amidst your adversities and finding a positive elevates you above your circumstances. Complaining only paralyzes you and keeps you from arriving to your ultimate destiny.