Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have been on this quest for wisdom. And wisdom comes from only one place and that’s God. After acquiring several degrees and on the journey towards more knowledge I have learned that this in no way ensures wisdom. There is a clear and distinct difference between the two. Knowledge is the gathering of specific information and the confident understanding of a specific subject. Wisdom, however, is the ability to discern truth, deeper insight, good judgment, wide outlook and the ability to make sound decisions and judgments. With wisdom you have knowledge but it does not necessarily work vis versa.

Wisdom is something typically attributed to the elderly. It not necessarily true there are many an elderly who have made a host of bad decisions and have very poor judgment. This is sad but true. Yet, there a young adults – adults that have that keen sense of understanding, make clear and sound decisions and do not rush to judgment. That is wisdom.

In my pursuit for wisdom I, of course, have been on a mission to seek out a deeper understanding. I want to full capture what wisdom is and how to obtain it to its maximum. Seeking to do all I do with precision and excellence I sought out how to find this precious stone called wisdom. Well this I soon learned comes from God only he gives it and the only way to obtain it is to ask!

I have learned that Solomon who was the wisest man who ever lived asked God for wisdom. And because he asked God for wisdom God gave him an impeccable sense of discernment. He had wisdom beyond anything imaginable. Well, to the point that to date no one has compared to his wisdom and knowledge. As a result, he became a well read and a knowledgeable man with incredible wealth. This does not mean that he possessed all knowledge. This does, however, mean that he had a supernatural sense for choosing the brilliant people he would surround himself with. That’s what I need!

I am continually asking God for wisdom and discernment. In all my endeavors I want wisdom. I can obtain all of the knowledge but even with my educational training I am limited and I need wisdom/discernment to carry me through. I need to know who to connect with and who to avoid what are the best decisions for my life. I will revisit this topic at a later date but wisdom is my daily plea to God these days. I need it and I need it desperately I cannot expect any success in my life without His amazing wisdom.