Saturday, April 3, 2010

God's Promise 4

There are times in our lives that we are faced with very difficult decisions. These decisions consume your mind for lack discernment having no idea what would be the right decision in this instance. Because God knew this is a human’s plight he made this promise "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

God has promised to guide us through instruction and teachings. He offered us counsel and to watch over us. Oftentimes the reason why we make the wrong decisions in life is because we do not seek out His counsel. He is offering us instructions and teachings through His word, through a sermon or devotional. He offers counsel for the times we need advice and he promises to watch over us. How often have I not been upset because I cannot find the appropriate counsel for a situation that to me is earth shattering? Undoubtly every wrong decision that I have made in my life, has been because I have not sought His counsel. Yet he continues to watch over me.

How faithful is He who he continually assures "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them, I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake you." Isaiah 42:16 God so wants to escort us through life. He wants to be involved in our daily life….every detail of it. He wants to be a friend that we consult with continually.

He wants us to discuss everything with him, our confusion, our joys, our hopes, our dreams and yes even our problems. But he doesn’t want to “just” hear our problems. He wants to be our friend our confidant. Yet we only come with our shattered dreams and problems. He wants to guide, lead, and bring us to a special place that he has designed specifically for each individual. But we need to allow him to fulfill his promise to us and let him lead. Run to your word take the time to get alone with him when you need counsel and He will speak. Develop a friendship with God your creator this is what he most desires from us. He will give you the best counsel He has your best interest at heart always because He loves you!