Monday, March 2, 2009

40 Day Fast From Negative Thinking

I am starting a 40 Day Fast from Negative Thinking. I will be chronicling my journey through this fast for the next 40 days. I have been on a journey to find my God given purpose for about 16 years. I decided that I needed to know what God created ME to be. So I did a lot of soul searching and found that although I made some progress and outwardly I appeared to be successful, I continued to hold on to limiting beliefs, hence behaviors. These limiting beliefs kept me from making the progress and reaching the full potential that God had for me. I became frustrated because I knew there was more I just had no clue who to reach for it.

Later I learned that it was “me” that was holding me back from reaching this life of excellence and obtaining the goal and gifts that He had for me. What I learned was that I needed to change my mind set. I need to arrest negative thinking and I needed to take the word which had been so apart of my life for many years and I had to learn to apply it, speak it and act on it.

When I learned what I had to do I began to do it to the best of my ability. Reading my bible, reading positive things, obtaining a life coach and all of this truly helped to get me out of the limited belief mindset. I was pleased with my progress. It was major BUT I have never stopped seeking out the ways to change my thinking. This is a daily struggle. It is not a prompt read five verses and two books and it’s over. As a matter of fact, it is daily step by step struggle. Possibly a lot harder than any addiction is the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that holds us back from reaching the goal of a life of excellence.

So here I am once again, doing one more thing to apply one more concept to harnessing my mind and directing it to thinking positive thoughts. The thoughts God would have me to think. Aligning my thoughts with His thoughts about what He thinks I can do, where He thinks I can go, who He thinks I can be.

I will begin my 40 Day Journey with:

  • Drop the “IF” word. I must stop thinking that “if” things were better, different and the circumstances were perfect I would be able to have that life of excellence.

  • FACE life as it is. But don’t ACCEPT it as it is. I was a secretary the first 10 years of my working life. That was a fact but the truth was that I could change that. So I went back to school and earned a degree, which changed the “fact” that I was a secretary.

  • Recognize YOU HOLD the power to do something with your life, regardless of your background, upbringing, environment or mistakes in your past. We all possess seeds. Seeds that we can choose to sow whether choices, words or money we all possess these seeds. We have the choice to sow them or not. We need to learn to daily sow seeds of faith, joy, peace, love and hope. If we choose to sow what we have no matter how little we can reap breakthrough.

  • Don’t wait for the perfect conditions. We have a tendency to procrastinate. We wait till we get married, wait till we have kids, wait for the kids to grow up, for the economy to improve, or real estate, before you do what you know to do. Ecclesiastes 11:4. “He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.” If we learn to sow what little we have we will reap a huge benefit, even if you fail, you reaped knowledge. You learned how not to do it.

  • FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS. We are such a blessed people. To have the ability to make choices is huge. Look at those who are mentally challenged who don’t have the benefit of making even bad choices. Even most bad choices can be corrected. Focus on the good you already have; what God HAS already done. (Psalm 103:2-4) And stay focused on ALL that you already have.

I will THINK His thoughts; Speak His thoughts and Act on His thoughts for me.

Standing and believing Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, Plans to Prosper You and Not harm you, Plans to give you a Hope and a Future. Things don’t need to be different before I succeed, because God already has “plans” for my success I am successful. I will to believe that I am successful because God has said I am a success. I possess the seeds and the power to sow the seeds of a better life. I refuse to welcome whatever life brings. I will stand on faith and find a way through it. I will remember what God has done in the past. He pardoned all my sins, healed all my diseases and crowned me with victory. I am victorious because I am His. He satisfies my life with good things so that my youth, vitality and outlook on life are refreshed and renewed.