Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 2 - 40 Day Fast From Negative Thinking

The exercise today is to fast from the “survival mentality"

As many things as I have accomplished thus far in my life (because I am not done YET - LOL), I learned that I have for the most part been very limited in my thinking. I perceived my life one project at a time. It’s as if I’ve lived my life politely requesting from God one bite at a time. “If I can just finish college”, “if I can just get a good job”, “if I can just keep my job”, “if I can just get through this or that” – these are all reasonable requests from God and He is a good God willing and able to give us what we want. But, what if he wants to give us more and we are asking for so much less than he wants to give us?

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” Eph. 3:20 So what if I am asking God for way less than He wants to give me. What if I can have “exceedingly and abundantly” and I am settling for “just enough”. Amazingly we believe that that is humility. But doesn’t God glorify Himself in the abundance? Doesn’t God want his children to live the abundant life He created us to live? Aren’t we setting our sights too low to make a difference in anyone else’s life or in the world?

Everything Jesus did while in the earth was “super-natural” “BIG” no one had ever turned water into wine, healed the sick, make the lame walk and the blind see. I mean He was God he could have gotten them a good doctor and paid the bill. He could have gotten the lame a good wheelchair – know what a state of the art wheel chair. He could have given the blind well paved streets and a sharp Seeing Eye dog. But he did not do that He gave them in abundance. He healed their aliments and He saved their souls. So why do we ask for so little….why not “exceedingly and abundantly”?

We need to:

* Be focus on the end. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Without a vision, my people perish." Become a visionary, see your life as a life of victory, see yourself as a person with favor and see His daily blessings. Have a vision of yourself as blessed in abundance, so that you can be a blessing to others.

* Perceive yourself as a gift to the world— Be a blessing to others. Offer others solutions to their problems (1 Peter 4:10)

* Anticipate abundance in your life. Don’t settle for just enough. Think Big, think outside of the box. Think of all the ways that you can bless others if you had more than enough. (John 10:10)

* Truly care about others – You have to be genuine about caring for others and what is best for them. When you sincerely help others with no with ulterior motives, you will succeed. It's easy to smile when you really care about what’s best for someone else.

* Put others ahead of yourself. Be genuine in caring about people in your sphere. It’s easy to be selfish and to focus on your self. But when you apply God’s law and you put others ahead of yourself God blesses you in abundance.

* You truly have to want the best for the people in ‘your sphere.' During difficult economic times, it's easy to pull back and focus on taking care of self. It is after all what everyone else does. But God’s system works contrary to the worlds. In Genesis 13:8-17, Abraham put Lot, first. By doing so, God blessed Abraham—more than he could contain!

* Give value to others. Acts 20:35 says ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.' But it’s not just giving but giving the things that people cherish such as counsel, alistening ear, encouragement, teaching awareness, love…things of value. Making peoples lives better with what you are giving them. When you give unselfishly you will never lack. You will always have the best of everything, jobs, successful businesses and healthy relationships! You will be a “success”.

Ask God to make you a visionary. To have you thrive and not just survive in life. Envision yourself as blessed and being a huge blessing to others. Envision yourself as someone who brings value to other people’s lives. Thank God for depositing in you a passion to serve, give and love others. Envision that as you serve others you will never lack, you will be a success. Receive God’s abundance in your life, spiritually, emotionally, financially. Now walk in your victory!!!