Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 4 - 40 Day Fast From Negative Thinking

Today the assignment is to obstain from the: “What if I don’t make it?” Mindset

For much of my life I lived with fear of “what if I don’t make it.” When in college I feared that I would not pass my classes, every semester in every class I had this same fear. I had fear when making any major decisions. ‘Fear’ that I would make a mistake that would be catastrophe. That was unfounded because there was no real basis for this frame of thought, nevertheless, it was there. Outwardly I appeared confident and fearless. I would take chances but always on a sure thing and things would usually work. But in the privacy of my mind I was always anxious about something. I believed that I was fearless….I would just become anxious and anxiety was ok. After all we all suffer a little anxiety, right?

One day (because I love words) I looked up the words anxious and anxiety. I almost fell off my chair the definition was ‘full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear.’ Well, that was a shock to me I had no clue I had any fears, but, there it was in black and white. God began dealing with me in this area and I realized I had to eliminate fear (anxiety) from my thought life, and my vocabulary. For me fear came in the form of anxiety but it was the mindset that the devil was subtly using to suggest the possibility of failure, and that thought was consuming me. It took very small steps and to date that anxiety tries to creep up again but I continue to refuse to allow it to dominate my mind.


• Realize, you’ve already made it! No matter how bad it may look the end of the chapter of your life is already written and it says “successful”. Often all we need is a clear perspective to take the pressure off of our present trial and look towards our positive future.

• Whatever you’re facing is TEMPORARY – We need to realize that our present state never determines our future!!! It is easy to get focused on our temporary situation but 2 Corinthians 4:17 says, "For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison." This too shall pass!

• You are more than a conqueror! See yourself victorious. Your mindset will determine your future. Taking your focus off of your present situation and knowing that you will come out better for all that you are going through. While Christ was on the cross He saw His victory. This must permeate in your mind.

• Faith always finds a way – About 1.5 yrs ago I lost my job. I was determined that this would not be a way of life for me. I trusted and I knew that God would make a way…so I pursued a way out of my situation! The only thing that could bring me through was faith. All I had to do was look for a way out! (Luke 5:19). And JESUS is PRAYING FOR YOU that your faith will not fail.

• The idea of ‘not making it’ is not a part of the plan! Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you—FOR GOOD, and NO HARM." This was what I put my stake on! He has a plan for me, there is a master plan, it’s always for my success never for harm, and therefore, I will NOT FAIL! This was what I had to stay focused on when I was slipping in my faith.

• Rest in the fact that God will never fail you, nor forsake you – Repeatedly God tells us how he loves us, how he has plans for us, how he will care for us, so we need to rest assured that no matter what the circumstances we were created for success, he wont allow your failure. There are times that we may not see how it can possibly all work out BUT He is God and He WILLS not to forsake us.

You need to know that you are more than a conqueror. Your circumstances no matter how bleak (and trust me I’ve seen bleak) are just temporary (even if it is 7 years). You need to determine that your faith will NOT fail because Jesus is interceding for you continually. God is incapable of failing you. And through your most difficult circumstances when it feels like you can’t take another step, He is there, with the blueprint of the design for your prosperity. Designed for you from the time you were in your mother’s womb! Before you thought of Him, He was thinking of you!