Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 3 - 40 Day Fast From Negative Thinking

The mindset to abstain from today is “thinking that I need to do something for God to get a blessing”

I was breed and raised in “church” yet one of my greatest limiting beliefs was that if things did not go just right it had something to do with my not being “holy enough” or that I was so messed up that I did not “qualify” for any of God’s blessings. I was never “good enough”. Maybe “I don’t pray enough” or maybe “I don’t read the bible enough”. I must be doing something wrong and I don’t deserve any of God’s blessings.

The fast today calls for me to get rid of the destructive mindset that my relationship and blessing from God are “merit-based”.

We are chained by the impression that we “get what we deserve”. After all this is what we are taught from childhood. But this is just not true the reality is that none of us “deserve” what we get – not the good not the bad. Today’s assignment said BUT GOD! I’ve been reading through the old testament as of late and I see how often the Israelites rebelled against God. I read this and re-read it and I ask “God am I much different”….He has not said No! Yet each and every time they “cried out to God for help” He did just that!! He helped them EACH AND EVERY TIME. So if it were based on “merit” they would have never gotten out to the messed THEY but themselves into. Ephesians 2- “..BUT God being rich in mercy...doesn’t give us what we deserve.”

We need to totally change this frame of thought. We will NEVER get what WE deserve. When we get blessings it’s not because of what We deserve it’s because we being joint-heirs with Christ get what He deserves!!! Romans 8:17

We need to be aware that have a covenant with Christ. We have a blood written contract. This contract states that we have a full fledged guarantee stating that we will never get what we deserve because He has given us a “Master Card” that gives us the right to cash in on what we could not ever pay for ourselves.

We need to have confidence in God! The men in the bible who did the greatest things (Moses, Abraham, Daniel, David) put all their faith in God and they always got answers to their prayers! Moses took 2.5 million slave Israelites out of Egypt, Abraham became the father of many at age 90 and his wife Sarah at age 80, Daniel survived being eaten in the lions den, David who tended sheep and who even by our standards would have been most likely ‘not’ to succeed became King. All of these men placed their confidence in God.

Reject condemnation – Hebrews 10:35 “Do not through away your confidence…”
Refuse to accept the enemies lies. We condemn ourselves continually for our mistakes and shortcomings. We are the first ones to loose confidence in ourselves. This of course keeps us from receiving all that God has for us.

Accept your freedom in Christ. (Romans 8:1) “There is no condemnation for those who are in Him.” This is a gift that God has given us but if we do not accept it we will always live a very defeatist life. We will never have abundance if we do not accept our freedom. We are mental prisoners because we choose not to accept what God has freely given us. We are prisoners to living limited lives emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Be GRACE-minded. Hebrews 4:15 says, "Come boldly and receive mercy and grace in your time of need." Grace means having what we don’t deserve. We don’t deserve the freedoms we have. We have freedom to think, we have freedom to choose we have freedom to make mistakes and the freedom to correct them. We don’t deserve it, oftentimes we abuse it, nevertheless we have Grace. So let’s cherish grace, respect grace, and give honor to God for the grace he has given us even though we don’t deserve it.

Abandon the limiting mindset. Abandon the belief that you only get what you deserve therefore, you will not strive for abundance. Receive abundance by faith. Be assured that you are joint heir with Christ. Expect to receive what He deserves and not what you deserve. Cash in on your covenant with God. Have full and complete confidence that He is listening to and will answer your prayers. Trust that He loves you and he does not condemn you. Receive his grace, freely and abundantly!!! Soak in the sun of his enormous unconditional love for you…by grace!!!