Friday, March 5, 2010

Easy Does It

I am a relentless “To Do” list kind of person. I write lists for everything and I check things off I highlight the important things….borderline OCD. By the same token I can be a workaholic. To some this may even be something to be proud of but I really dislike this about me. I can easily drive myself crazy with the details and getting everything on that list done. It is an awesome organizational skill but when it goes over the top it’s overdone. I have been trying to balance working and resting. But it has just been another thing on the list…and when I do take a break I am so exhausted I fall out.

Many American’s live this same identical way and this is not necessarily a good thing. So how does a driven person get things without it costing them their health, relationships and their sanity? I was directed to Genesis 1 earlier this week. I was a bit resistant to read it because I continued to tell myself I already know that story after all I have heard it since I was 3 in Sunday school, at home and in sermons. But as an act of obedience to where God was leading me I read it. And I read verse after verse at about verse 6 I started seeing the pattern. The creator of the universe did one thing and rested the next day did another thing and rested. And he clarified to me if I accomplished one thing a day and rested why don’t you do the same. No matter how hard you work you won’t be creating a universe at the end of your week. So I have had to learn the skill of doing what I can in a day and resting. You can get it all done, one thing at a time easy does it.

I find that with this nugget of wisdom I am getting a lot more done. I do a bit and I rest the next day I do more and I a result I have had a very productive week. What an awesome feeling to produce....oh and all the things on list, DONE!