Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today I was thinking of God’s grace. There are so many times that I fail him and just when I get up from talking to Him and repenting from something he has revealed to me, I do something else. For many years I sat in church week after week feeling that I was less than. I continually felt that I fell so short that redemption was beyond my grasp. Not to mention all of those self righteous pompous individuals that were all too willing to constantly point out your flaws. For years I lived in this perpetual condemnation.

Just as of late I am really understanding what Romans 8:1 meant when it says “there is therefore, no condemnation to those who are in Jesus Christ”. It means there is therefore “no condemnation”! Grace! It’s not just a word in the bible it’s a noun an action word. Definition for grace God's unmerited favor. He gives me favor and grace not because I earn or deserve it but because He loves me. So all of those years of feeling I wasn’t doing enough, that what I was doing was short of perfect, that I needed to try harder, pray harder, read the word more, was all wrong.

We read the word and we pray because we do not merit his grace yet He chooses to give it anyway. This makes me love him so much more, and it makes me want to please him. Mine is not a religion…nope it’s a relationship. I want to talk to Him and I want Him to talk to me through His word, in a clear directive voice. Our relationship is personal and it’s awesome because having Him to talk to 24-/7 365 and guide me through life’s tough times is more than I could ever ask for. And that’s my thought for today…..

Prosperity is a way of living and thinking. Poverty is not just a lack of money or things - Butterworth

RT @mark_tetzner: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Eleanor Roosevelt

Imagination is the highest kite you can fly ~Lauren Bagall

Friday, February 26, 2010

Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~ Italian proverb

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude ~ Thomas Jefferson

The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind. ~ James Truslow Adams

To Every Negative There is a Positive...

Because to every negative there is a positive here’s one thing I am grateful for today. It is snowing, no there’s a blizzard out there day. We are three feet under in snow. In reality I don’t care for snow… but it’s not really the snow I don’t like as much as the cold and mess is leaves behind. I began to take pictures yesterday as it was coming down with a vengeance. I felt a sudden urge to pull out my camera and start shooting pictures. I went out in my sweats and slippers yesterday and last night. I was shooting pictures and suddenly paid real attention to the snow. The snow was so quiet, gentle and peaceful. It was such a serene atmosphere. For that moment I loved the snow…. it brings on such a sense of peace. I just wanted to sit out there and enjoy the snow…

That’s how it is with life also. We focus on the negative on what we don’t like about our adverse circumstances and forget to look at the one or two positive things in that adversity. The one thing that is actually good and positive about that same situation. Yes, in that horrible and/or negative situation. For instance 2.5 years ago I lost my job. I really did not enjoy my job or my work. I specified that because sometimes you enjoy your work you just dislike the environment in which it’s in, I disliked them both. I suddenly lost the job. That was devastating for a little while, but I suddenly started looking at my new environment. Free from stress, free from an unreasonable disrespectful supervisor, free from doing the very work I disliked. I began to encourage myself! Saying WOW, although this is a new experience I am away from that oppressive environment. I began looking at all of the options I now had. All the things I could now do that I couldn’t do before. And before you knew it I had a new focus! I was not happy about what happened to me but, I certainly had a much better outlook in life and excitement about my new ventures. Be excited with your new possibilities…. Become thrilled with the 'snow, and enjoy what it is offering you at the moment. Don’t focus on the negative and you will quickly begin to enjoy it and become creative.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. ~ Mike Murdock

"Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances." ~ Joyce Meyer

"Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God says." ~ Joyce Meyer

"Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway." ~ Joyce Meyer

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

As A Man Thinks So Is He.....

I think I can, I think can, I could! Remember this childhood story from your collection of story books "The Little Engine That Could".It's all in our thinking. This proves we were taught,trained and informed as children of our limitless potential. We were taught we can do anything we set our minds to; yet somewhere along the line we lost that confidence. We became cynical embittered we even stopped trying. Why did we do that to ourselves? This comes from the negativity in our environment. A negative environment produces a negative thought process. We become unawareness that our thoughts have influence.As a man thinks so is he!

There is a spiritual force to your thought life. Ideas and thoughts begin in the mind they then become words and words have POWER. Don’t lose sight that it is very important to align your thinking with God’s truth. Then to speak those positive and creative thoughts and ideas. God says you “can do all things through Him” so that means “YES you can do ALL things”.

So let's review, thoughts become words, words become action, action develop results. So why are we not getting better results in our lives, hopes and dreams? Why are we currently not where we want to be? Mindset! We must do a readjustment of mindset align it with our creators mindset and automatic success. Change your Mindset, Change your LIFE!

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. ~Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chock Full of Obstacles...

What a day! This day was chock full of obstacles. Everything that could discourage me and keep me down came at me. I had to really focus on getting the tasks done. At the end of the day I won my battle. I did not become overwhelmed and anxious. I stayed on the course and made it through the day, accomplished!
This happens on a regular basis people, things, life getting in the way of your journey. But here’s what I learned; if you have to walk around it, over it or through it do it! Never allow it to stop you from reaching your destination. Your goal needs to be your only focus. In the end you will realize you obtained what you set out to and that’s an awesome feeling. Today I had such a headache I was sure I could not get done all I had to do. I was drained out! Then I re-directed, stopped and prayed and before you knew it the headache was gone, I was feeling great and I was getting things done.
So you see bad days really don’t have to be bad. You need to continue pressing through and not allow the obstacles to delay you. All was well in the end. Thank you Jesus I made it through the day and all is well and all is done! Aaaaah!

Words may very well exceed their weight in gold. ~ Greg Evans

Monday, February 22, 2010

'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'' ~ Maya Angelo

Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it. ~ David Starr Jordan

“When you know what you want, and you want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.” ~ Jim Rohn

My Pursuit For Wisdom

I have been on this journey towards wisdom. After several degrees and on the journey towards more knowledge I have learned that this in no way ensures wisdom. There is a clear and distinct difference between the two. Knowledge is the gathering of specific information and the confident understanding of a specific subject. Wisdom, however, is the ability to discern truth, deeper insight, good judgment, wide outlook and the ability to make sound decisions and judgments. With wisdom you have knowledge but it does not necessarily work vis versa.
Wisdom is something typically attributed to the elderly. It not necessarily true there are many an elderly who have made a host of bad decisions and have very poor judgment. This is sad but true. Yet, there a young adults – adults that have that keen sense of understanding, make clear and sound decisions and do not rush to judgment. That is wisdom.
In my pursuit for wisdom I, of course, have been on a mission to seek out a deeper understanding. I want to full capture what wisdom is and how to obtain it to its maximum. Seeking to do all I do with precision and excellence I sought out how to find this precious stone called wisdom. Well this I soon learned comes from God only he gives it and the only way to obtain it is to ask!
I have learned that Solomon being the wisest man who ever lived asked God for wisdom. And because he asked God for wisdom God gave him an impeccable sense of discernment. He had wisdom beyond anything imaginable. Well, to the point that to date no one has compared to his wisdom and knowledge. As a result, he became a well read and a knowledgeable man with incredible wealth. This does not mean that he possessed all knowledge. This does, however, mean that he had a supernatural sense for choosing the brilliant people he would surround himself with. That’s what I need!
I am continually asking God for wisdom and discernment. In all my endeavors I want wisdom. I can obtain all of the knowledge but because I am not all knowing and even with my educational training I am limited I need to wisdom/discernment to carry me through knowing who to connect with and who to avoid. I will revisit this topic at a later date but wisdom is my daily plea to God these days. I need it and I need it desperately I cannot expect any success in my life without His amazing wisdom.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

RT @GamingRocks: A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. - Arnold H. Glasgow

Your Thoughts Will Define Your Destiny - It is inevitable your thoughts will define your destiny! You are what you ...

RT @TheProfitShare: "If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there." - Robert Kiyosaki

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher states. The great teacher inspires. ~ William Arthur Ward

RT @AlishaNorris: "You can be pitiful or you can be powerful...but you can't be both." Joyce Meyer

I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom. ~ Angus Grossart

I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light. ~ Mary Gardiner Brainard

A Word Of Encouragement

I was writing an article today for my business website about the economy and how is has effected careers. It really is amazing how years ago people would go to school and were ensured a job with a pension. Now days this has all drastically changed. After 7.5 in my job and a substantial promotion I could not understand how I was suddenly terminated. Like, how does this happen? But it brought me to the reality, that nothing is a guarantee.
Life has a lot of changes, some up (and those days are short lived) and some down (and those appear to be eternal). Neither is correct but the bible states in Ecclesiastic to everything there is a season. I suppose we all have to experience it all. For me I must admit in the beginning I was positive and hopeful and as time went on and things were coming apart at the seams I was tempted to do lose my faith. I had my days that I thought I would not ever get out from under. But I’d get a grip and get into my word and like a stream on a brook I would get my faith back.
As I’ve said before I love journaling. I write letters to God and in those letters I express all my confusion, pain and frustration. As I write I can hear God’s voice asking me to either turn to a bible passage or scripture, or a song of encouragement. These are the things I relish about my time with him. I hear a lot of people say that God does not speak. Oh, but he does! It is not a loud abrupt voice, it is a firm but kind voice. And he speaks exactly to your need or situation.
If you are reading this and you are having a bad day or a bad season. Be of good cheer you are not alone. And this will not last an eternity. There is hope for a better day. To everything there is a season. If you want to check out because it’s the winter cold, bitter, rainy and snowy season of your life how sad would it be that you will not enjoy the joy of the spring. I find that you enjoy your good seasons so much more when you have had a really bad season. It all temporal! It will soon be over and I will rejoice along with you because I too am in the midst of my winter. Yet, I see the sunlight of my spring and I metaphorically hear the birds chirping and I know that this season is almost over! You need to keep your faith! And although I acknowledge it is not always easy, it is necessary for surviving the winters of your life! Be encouraged today!

Be Blessed,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

It's All About Relationship

Its midnight and I suddenly had the urge to write. I don’t want to write about anything incredibly creative I just wanted to chat. Chat with whoever is listening… Today I had one of “those days”. I was sort of burnt out from a long tedious week. I spent the week helping people and spreading myself kinda thin. By today I was drained and had very little energy for me. So I made a decision. I decided that I was going to spend all of this coming week on ME!
And here is my plan. I will do some work the rest of the time will be spent on what I want to do. I will work out everyday, spend time with God, reading and meditating. Just the thought of it relaxes me. I love sitting down and writing letters to God. I do this daily spend time in prayer meditation then I write. I did not have much of a chance to do that this week and I miss it! I really miss it. It’s like writing to a significant other… you want to communicate…constantly, daily at least.
It’s a good thing he loves me in spite of it all. Sometimes I rant, sometimes complain, but most often I thank Him for his goodness and his faithfulness to me. With me it’s not about religion, actually I hate religion. Who can keep up with all of the judgmental rules anyway? I love the relationship I have with God. He wears so many hats in our relationship, when I need a Dad he is my Father, when I need a buddy he is my Friend, when I need a knight in shining armor he is my Lord, when I need a deliverer he is my God. He is my “I am” whatever I need whenever I need he is there to fit the shoes of whatever role I need him to play… that’s what’s amazing about having a relationship with Him. I don’t know of anyone else that can do this. What a relief to have a listening ear 24-7 – 365. It really does not get better than that! I think that is why I love Him so much.